Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January's Post of Month....a little late.

I was going to award a post of the month at the end of each month....but I forgot so I am taking care of this now. To be clear, I am not using any web analytics(page views, hits, traffic, etc...) to determine this....I will be going with whatever post I think amused us the most.

Our first post of the month goes to:

Congrats, to Sacopapa. After getting input from numerous readers it seems that both 10 Items or less and The Enabler were also well received but nothing is funnier than reading about Sacopapa's father-in-law trying to cut his own shit with a butter knife....fucking classic.


  1. Well deserved, clearly the best post. It was an honor for '1o items' to be mentioned in the same breath. Congrats to Sacapapa Jr, for noticing the missing Bananas.

  2. Congrats! He is the Poet Lauraute of Shit. Congrats to Robotman for runner up.

  3. By far, one of the funniest things I have ever heard or read in my life..
